Sports Registration
Girls & Boys golf (grades 7-12)
This is an Upper School program. Practice begins March 17 Practices are Monday-Thursday 3:30pm-5pm (times may vary with practice locations). Match schedules are available online.
Head Boys Coach: Steve Kranick
Head Girls Coaches: Jess Powell and Renae Wantock
Boys Tennis (grades 7-12)
This is an upper school program. Practice begins March 27 Practices are Monday-Friday 4pm—5:30pm at MPA. Match schedules are available online.
Head Boys Coach: Chris Rovn
Girls & Boys Track and Field (grades 9-12)
Practice begins March 10 Practices are Monday-Friday 3:30pm-5:30pm at MPA. Meet schedules are available online.
Head Coach: Adam Pettipiece
Girls Fastpitch (grades 8-12)
This is an Upper School program. Practice begins March 10 Practices are Monday-Friday 3:30pm—5pm at Goodrich Fields. Game schedules are available online.
Co-head Coaches: Mike Scinto & Dan Haase
Boys Baseball (grades 9-12)
Practice begins March 17 Practices are Monday-Friday 3:30pm-5pm at MPA. Game schedules are available online.
Head Coach: tbd
Girls Lacrosse with Gentry Academy (grades 7-12)
This is an Upper School program. Practice begins March 31. Practice times are not yet set. Co-op fees apply. Students must try-out and make the JV or Varsity team.
Head Coach: tbd
Girls Softball (grades 5-7)
Co-head Coaches: Tim Sheehan & Chris Hopkins
Games and practices will be played at Goodrich Fields. Practices are from 3:15pm-4:45pm. This is a three-day-per-week program. Gloves, helmets, and bats are required. Program is part of the CAA (Catholic Athletic Association). Game schedules will be provided by the CAA second week of April.
*uniform tops can be purchased through the Athletic Office. More information on this process will be coming.
Practices: April 3, 5, 9 3:15pm-4:45pm (Goodrich or LSC weather pending).
MS Boys Baseball (grades 5/6)
Head Coach: Wade Peterson
Assistant Coach: Dean Klinkhammer
Games and practices will be played at Goodrich Fields. Practices are from 3:15pm-4:45pm. This is a three-day-per-week program. Gloves, helmets, and bats are required. Program is part of the CAA (Catholic Athletic Association). Game schedules will be provided by the CAA second week of April.
*uniform tops can be purchased through the Athletic Office. More information on this process will be coming.
Practices: April 2, 4, 8, 10 3:15pm-4:45pm (Goodrich or LSC weather pending).
MS Boys Baseball (grades 7/8)
Head Coach: tbd
Practices will be at Goodrich Field from 3:15pm-4:45pm. Games will be played on the varsity field. This is a three-day-per-week program. Gloves, helmets, and bats are required. Program is part of the CAA (Catholic Athletic Association). Game schedules will be provided by the CAA second week of April.
*uniform tops can be purchased through the Athletic Office. More information on this process will be coming.
Practices: April 2, 4, 8, 10 3:15pm-4:45pm (Goodrich or LSC weather pending).
MS Boys & Girls Track and Field (grades 5-8)
Head Coach: Marina Dale
Head Coach: Evy Johnson
Head Coach: Courtney Nagle
Practices will be at the MPA track from 3:15pm-4:45pm. This is a three-day-per-week program.
*uniform tops can be purchased thorugh the Athletic Office. More information on this process will be coming.
Practices: April 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 15, 16, 21, 24, 28, 29, May 2, 5, 8, 12 3:15pm-4:45pm
- April 22 @ Breck 4:30pm
- May 3 @ SPA 10am
- TBD @ MPA 10am
MS Boys Tennis (grades 7/8) (Upper School program 7-12)
Head Coach: Chris Rovn
Practice begins March 24 Practices are Monday-Friday (plus some Saturdays) 4pm-5:30pm. Match schedules are on the MPA Athletic website.
MS Boys Golf (grades 7/8) (Upper School program 7-12)
Head Coach: Steve Kranick
Practice begins march 17 Practices are Monday-Thursday 4pm-6 pm. Match schedules are on the MPA athletic website.
MS Girls Golf (grades 7/8) (Upper Schooll program 7-12)
Head Coaches: Jess Powell & Renae Wantock
Practice begins march 17 Practices are Monday-Thursday 3:30pm-5pm. Match schedules are on the MPA athletic website.
MS Girls Lacrosse (grades 7/8) (Uppoer School program 7-12 co-op with Gentry)
Head Coach: tbd
Practice begins March 31. Practices are Monday-Friday. Practice times not yet set. Student activity fees apply. Students must try-out and be selected to make the JV or Varsity team.