Assignment Notebook Example
  1. Write the test or assignment in your planner the day it is assigned.
    • Make sure you write neatly so you can read it, and write enough so you know exactly what to do.
  2. Write the test or assignment in your planner the day it is due.
    • If you were invited to a party, you wouldn’t write the date on your calendar the date you were invited, you would put it on the date of the party. In an assignment notebook, you do both. You enter the assignment when it was given (when you were invited), and you also enter it on the date it is due (the date of the party).
  3. Write the long-term assignment or test in your planner and on the in-between days. Add a specific short-term task that you will accomplish before your class meets again.
    • The physical act of writing the assignment down again will serve as a reminder that you’ve got work to do. Break down long-term tests, projects and assignments into smaller steps so you are doing a specific task each time you have class that moves you closer towards completing your project. Don’t just re-enter the name of the project, test, or assignment; instead, write down the name and what you’re planning to do. Make a schedule for long-term assignments. Do a fraction of the long-term assignment every day.
  4. Write “No Homework” or “Nothing” or the null set sign if you don’t have any assignments in a certain class.
  5. Write the maintenance homework you need to complete each week in the space at the bottom of the page that says, “Additional Notes.”
    • Maintenance homework includes studying your flashcards from World Language, studying your notes, practicing your instrument, independent reading, etc.
  1. Make the planner a part of your daily routine. Carry it with you at all times and remember to check it every morning and every night.
  2. Fill in your assignment and test due dates as soon as you learn them. Get in the habit of writing in your planner while you're still in the classroom. Don't put it off!
  3. Show your parent your assignment notebook and your completed tasks/assignments to make sure what you did matches what you wrote in your assignment notebook.
  4. Ask a friend whose academic success you respect (a study buddy) to make sure what’s in your assignment notebook matches what you’ve been assigned.
  5. Check Schoology.
  6. Make sure your name is on the front cover of your planner REALLY BIG. If you forget it somewhere, we’ll know it’s yours.
  7. After you’ve completed the assignment or the task, check it off so you feel that sense of satisfaction.
  8. Write down the name and phone number of a study buddy in your assignment notebook.
  9. Make a weekly to-do list.
  10. Before you begin an assignment, write down how much time you predict it will take next to your entry in your planner. When you’re done, write down how much time you actually needed.
  11. Circle what you need to do that night.
  12. Devise a color-coding system that works for you.
  13. Write your assignments in your subject notebook, etc. so you’ve written it down twice.
  14. Start your assignment the night it’s assigned (if you can) to make sure you get it. If you don’t understand something, you can ask the teacher the next day before it’s the day of your class.
  15. If the assignment is repeated throughout the week, draw an arrow down to the appropriate day or write, for example, “See Monday.”
  16. Do the longest and hardest homework first. Do the easiest first. Do what you want to do first. Reach into your bag and do something random. Do the most urgent thing first. Do what you remember first without looking in your assignment notebook. Do the projects first – especially if they’re due the next day. All of these strategies work for different kids. Do what works for you, and follow the same routine.
  17. Use the weekends for long-term assignments, but try to make sure you have one day a week of no homework.