The Service Program at Mounds Park Academy was developed to allow students the personal growth opportunity that comes from making a positive difference in the world without direct personal compensation. Our service program is designed to allow students to use their energy and skills to help others.

As we are all part of multiple communities, helping one another allows us to feel connected to others and build positive relationships. It is important that students not receive any form of compensation for their service.

Each student is required to complete a minimum of 60 hours over four years in order to graduate. Thirty hours are required for the Senior Service Project regardless of how many hours a student has completed during the first three years. Hours should be documented using the service form which is available here or in the Upper School Office. Career totals can also be viewed in PowerSchool.

Senior Service Project

The Senior Service Project is an opportunity for students, individually, or as part of a group, to propose and carry out a service project with an organization or for a worthwhile cause. All students submit a proposal individually, complete a minimum of 30 hours of focused service, keep a record or journal of experiences, and prepare an end of the year “exhibit” or presentation based on their experience. All projects are displayed/presented at the annual Service Fair held on the Monday before Commencement. Binders of past proposals and Service Fair summary pages are kept in the Upper School Office.

The following are guidelines for how students should consider taking care of the hours throughout Upper School:

  • Grade 9 = 10 hours
  • Grade 10 = 10 hours
  • Grade 11 = 10 hours
  • Grade 12 = 30 hours (senior service program)

Students are encouraged to record their hours once they are completed, as it is sometimes difficult to get project supervisor signatures after the fact. Hours submitted will not be tallied retroactively, but will be added to the current academic year.

We recommend students utilize service opportunities in the first three years to scout possible senior service projects and to build a positive legacy of helping others.

Community Service Contract

Each student is required to complete a minimum of 60 hours over four years in order to graduate.An early step in the process of fulfilling the community service commitment is to complete the Upper School community Service Contract found below. Each Upper School student is asked to print a copy of the contract, complete it, and submit the signed document to the Upper School Office.