The Lower, Middle, and Upper schools have two (2) scheduled conferences annually. In all three divisions the first conferences are scheduled in early October. In the Upper School, the second set of conferences are scheduled in early December while in the Lower and Middle School they are scheduled in early February. Specific dates can be found on the MPA website.

All three divisions use online scheduling software to schedule individual conferences. Instructions and login information is sent prior to each conference session. 

Conferences demand a great deal of time from our teachers, both in the preparation for, as well as actual conference time. It is, therefore, essential that you be available to conference during this scheduled period in order for these days to be of benefit to faculty and families in assessing the planning for pupil progress. Students and parents/guardians may schedule conferences with individual teachers at times other than the scheduled conferences. 

It is the school’s policy that if a parent/guardian has a concern, he/she should address the concern to the appropriate faculty member. In the event a problem is not resolved, the progression would then be to direct the concern to the division director(s), Head of School, and, lastly, to the Board of Trustees. 

If a parent wishes to speak to a faculty member, they should call during school hours or email ( Whenever possible, it is the school’s policy to return phone calls or email within 24 hours. 

Last Updated: August 22, 2019