This Handbook is designed to help students, parents, and guardians become familiar with MPA policies and procedures, and to provide some general information that will be useful throughout the school year for all students and parents, PreK-12. The Mounds Park Academy Administration may introduce new rules and procedures, or modify existing ones, and reserves the right to interpretation. Where applicable, division specific policies or procedures are noted.

Academic Accommodations (Middle School)
Academic Integrity
Academic Lettering (Upper School)
Academic Probation and Invite Back Process (Middle School)
Administrative Discretion
Advisory Program (Middle School)
After School
All School Calendar
Allergy Aware Policy
Attendance at MPA
Backpacks (Middle School)
Behavioral Interventions (Middle School)
Bus Expectations
Campus Boundaries
Cell Phones and Personal Electronics (Middle School)
Class Change Policy (Middle School)
Code of Ethics
Common Areas
Community Expectations at MPA
Community Life at MPA
Dog Policy
Dress Policy
Email and Electronic Communication
Equal Opportunity Policy
Extended Day Program
Extra-Curricular Eligibility (Upper School)
Failing a Class (Upper School)
Family Directory
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
Final Exams (Upper School)
Food and Drink
Free Time (Upper School)
Fundraising / Solicitation
Health Services
Honor Roll (Upper School)
Inappropriate Language
Invite Back Process (Upper School)
Messages from Parents
Parking and Driving
Photo Release
Planned Absences (Middle School)
Proof of Legal Custody/Rights and Data Privacy Law
Recess Guidelines
Religious Holidays
Respect Policy
Respectful Discourse Policy
School Closure
School Hours
School Song
Senior Privileges
Sexual Harassment Policy
Social Events and Dances
Special Needs Assessment
Student Groups
Student Transportation
Tests and Projects
Transcripts and Communication with Post-Secondary Institutions
Transferred Credits (Upper School)
Transgender and Gender Diverse Guidelines
Upper School Activities and Clubs
Upper School Athletics
Upper School Graduation Requirements
Visitors and Building Security
Virtual School Guidelines

Last Updated: August 22, 2019