• All outside doors to the school will be locked at all times.   
  • The North and South entrances will have an administrator present 7:45 – 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 – 3:15 p.m.  
  • Students outside for recess should come in the south entrance door only. Lower School students will come in and out of the door closest to the playground. (This door will be unlocked only during Lower School recess.) 
  • All parents/guardians will be issued an MPA name badge that should be worn whenever on campus. These name badges not only identify you and your role on campus, it helps to build community and bolster our efforts to keep all in our care safe.  Should you forget your nametag, a visitor badge may be picked-up at either the North or South entrance to the building.  
  • All visitors entering the building must sign in. Even if the visitor is a parent, board member, someone whom the receptionist knows, or an expected visitor (all other visitors must be escorted to their destination after signing in and/or getting a badge). 
  • If an employee, Middle School, or Upper School student see someone without a badge in the building they should:   
  • Ask “May I help you?” (Direct the visitor to the south or north lobby or closest division office.)  
    • If an appropriate response is not received, the student should seek out the closest adult and let them know; that staff member should contact the Head of School, division director or receptionist immediately.  
    • The South door will be locked at 3:20 p.m. and there will be an adult stationed at the North door until all campus activities have concluded for the day. 

In the case of an event on weekends or after hours, the event supervisor and/or security person would monitor those coming in and out of the building. When school is not in session, but students are here for Panther Club, doors will be accessible via a fob. 

Lower School Classroom Observations

Mounds Park Academy welcomes visits to our school and classrooms by parents, adult relatives, and interested educators. We encourage our community members to volunteer in classrooms and offices when opportunities are presented. However, to minimize disruptions to the students' experience in our school, we have established a procedure governing classroom observations. 

Parents/guardians must make a written request to the Lower School Director at least two school days in advance of the scheduled classroom observation. The written request must include the following: 

  • Date and time of requested visit 
  • Name of student and teacher to be observed 
  • Purpose of the observation 

The Lower School Director will notify the parent/guardian and the classroom teacher of the observation date and time requested via email. 

Middle and Upper Visitors and Guests 

Students in middle and upper school are welcome to bring a guest (one visitor per student) to school for all or part of a day and for no more than one day. Students should notify their division director and complete an MPA visitor form in advance of the visit and check in visitors in their respective office. Visitors must wear a Visitor’s Badge, visible to all members of the community. Visitors should plan to attend all classes and activities with their hosts and are expected to follow all school rules while on campus. Visitors who do not follow these procedures will be asked to leave campus.  

Admission Visitors 

If visitors are considering an application for admission to the school, the visit should be arranged through the Admissions Office. 

Last Updated: August 26, 2019