Religious Holidays
MPA is an independent school not affiliated with any religious organizations. We, therefore, adopt our calendar without the intention of taking time away from school for a religious holiday. We try to recognize and learn from each other the history surrounding religious holidays, their celebrations, as well as the expectations surrounding such holidays.
While we may have school on some religious holidays, we try to make accommodations for students as follows:
- On religious holidays, we try to avoid having extracurricular activities, meetings, standardized tests, etc.
- If a student misses school because of a religious holiday, the student has the number of days missed to make up the work missed. Teachers are aware of students who miss for these reasons and will do all they can to help students get acclimated once again.
- Please Note:
- Some experiences cannot be made up; they are group experiences that are of the moment and cannot be replicated.
- Please Note:
It is helpful if the parent or student reminds the teacher(s) of the absence both before and after missing school.
Last Updated: August 26, 2019