Students need to be aware of the type of behavior that is expected on the bus. Please review the following rules with your children. If you become aware of problems with student behavior on the bus, please contact the appropriate division director. 

  • The rules of conduct that apply at school also apply on the bus. 
  • Rules specific to the bus: 
    • Remain seated unless in the process of boarding or exiting. 
    • Face forward while seated.  
    • Talk quietly. 
    • Do not throw objects around the bus or out the windows. 
    •  Do not use profane language. 
    • Do not disturb the driver.  
    • Watch out for the welfare of students younger than you. 
    • Keep all parts of your body inside the bus (no hands, heads or arms outside of windows, etc.)  
    • Use great caution when getting on and off the bus. 
    • Be helpful and courteous at all times. 
    • Collect all litter and possessions before leaving the bus.  
  • Please be aware that the following are NOT PERMITTED on the bus: 
    • Nonhuman living creatures 
    • Skis, large musical instruments and other bulky items  
    • Eating and drinking  
  • The procedures in the event of inappropriate behavior are:  
    • The bus driver will use the reporting form to document the incident or behavior 
    • First infraction—appropriate director will speak with student(s). 
    • Second infraction—parent notification/assigned seats. 
    • Third infraction—loss of bus riding privileges for a set time.
  • Depending on the severity of the infraction, loss of bus riding privileges could occur at any time.  
  • Students will pay for any property damage.

Last Updated: August 26, 2019