Invite Back Process (Upper School)
Academic Concerns
If a student receives one or more “F”s or two or more “D”s in a semester, that student will have had an unsatisfactory academic semester and will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. Two unsatisfactory semesters in one school year may result in that student not being invited back for the next school year.
Behavioral Concerns
Each quarter, the Upper School Director in conjunction with the Director of Guidance will review individual student behavior. They will review and consider the number of “office referrals,” suspensions, chronic tardiness, etc. If a student’s behavior is deemed unsatisfactory, that student may be placed on behavioral probation for the following quarter. The Upper School Director and Director of Guidance will meet with the student and her/his parents/guardians to clarify the concerns and note what must be done to improve. Three unsatisfactory quarters in one school year or four unsatisfactory quarters in two consecutive years may result in that student not being invited back for the next school year.
Last Updated: August 26, 2019