Mounds Park Academy Middle School believes in and supports the unique abilities of all students and implements a variety of best practices in and out of the classroom. In addition, we make every effort to offer additional support and guidance for students with diagnosed and documented learning needs, physical disabilities, and/or mental health conditions. In close collaboration with the student and their family, an individualized Student Support Plan may be developed for a student with a diagnosed learning need. The support is led by the Student Support Team in a coordinated fashion, taking a strengths-first approach to help students thrive. The support plan is then shared with the student’s teachers confidentially, so that accommodations can be provided in the classroom.  

Typical accommodations include, but are not limited to:  

  • Extended time (50%) on assessments 

  • Alternative space for exams 

  • Preferential seating 

Some of the accommodations above are provided by the classroom teacher and some by the learning specialist. It is important to note that MPA may or may not provide the same accommodations as were provided at a prior school or are recommended in the student’s documentation.  

Last Updated: June 20, 2023