Solveig Svennevig-Brosi (Class 2020) and Jordan Akers (Class of 2020)Congratulations to Solveig Svennevig-Brosi (Class 2020) and Jordan Akers (Class of 2020) who auditioned online and were selected to be members of the 9-10 ACDA-MN State Honor Choirs!

Solveig will sing in the SSAA Honor Choir under the direction of Jennaya Robinson from Luther College.

A second-year member of the SATB Honor Choir, Jordan will sing with Jonathan Talberg who teaches at California State University.

Jordan and Solveig will prepare their Honor Choir music for a day long festival in February culminating with a performance in the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Solveig and Jordan both currently sing in the MPA Concert Choir and Madrigals Singers. Best wishes to our musicians!

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