The Path From Montessori To Mounds Park Academy

Upper School student working in the MakerspaceWhen it comes to making a school choice, there are so many different types of environments to explore. Each offers a unique approach to learning, with its own set of strengths, challenges, and benefits for each individual child.

The transition from Montessori to a PreK-12 college prep school like Mounds Park Academy might seem like a big leap, but many of the traits your child developed in Montessori–like their independence, curiosity, and a love of learning–create a very solid foundation for them. At MPA, we work with families to take things one step at a time and embrace these new challenges and opportunities.

How Does A Montessori School Experience Compare To Mounds Park Academy?

Montessori schools are rooted in principles that emphasize child-centered learning. Students are encouraged to be independent, self-directed learners who explore subjects at their own pace. The American Montessori Society states, “Montessori education is student-led and self-paced but guided, assessed, and enriched by knowledgeable and caring teachers, the leadership of their peers, and a nurturing environment.” MPA honors philosophies similar to a Montessori environment while maintaining a level of academic rigor that prepares students academically for college. While the goal of Montessori schools is to inspire a love of learning, Mounds Park Academy achieves this through academics taught in an experiential way. Read More

Five Reasons To Apply Today

Middle School students are hugging at recessThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the February 2 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

Thank you to those who attended our last PreK-12 event of the year, the January MPA Preview! Whether you brought home a piece of your own printmaking art or had a climbing wall adventure, we hope you enjoyed your time with us as much as we did giving you a genuine preview of our school and community.

With the final PreK-12 event of the year comes the end of our admission season, meaning the February 15 application deadline is approaching quickly and we are beginning to see all of the future Panthers who are ready to begin an MPA journey of their own. If you have not yet completed your application, we have five reasons to share why your family should begin your MPA journey by applying today.

1. Academic Rigor With Purpose

At every grade level, MPA finds a developmentally appropriate way to incorporate rigor–not just for the sake of a rigorous education, but to challenge students to push themselves and apply their knowledge to critical thinking and real-word problems to be solved. “Students gain a great sense of satisfaction from taking a project from idea to reality and seeing it meet expectations when it comes to fruition. This exemplifies engineering at Mounds Park Academy and in the real world,” says Mark Shapiro, MPA Upper School physics teacher, on what rigor with purpose looks like. MPA’s curriculum, coupled with small class sizes, allows for more collaboration, creativity, and opportunities for students to become well-prepared for college and beyond. Read More

Why Alumni Are Choosing MPA For Their Children

Middle School students working on homework togetherThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the January 22 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

The full-circle moment of welcoming alumni back when they bring their own children to MPA is very special. As such a young school, we’ve started to see an upward trend of alumni bringing their children to MPA in recent years. And because the fabric of our alumni community is so unique, we hear a lot of different reasons why; joyful memories of their time here, aligning values, an overall feeling of home, and crediting MPA for preparing them for the world.

“A lot of who I am and who I came to be started in this building and continues to stay with me today,” says Spencer Butts, a class of 1999 MPA alum. “I’ve seen both of my boys, since they’ve been at MPA, learn better study habits and learn how to challenge themselves without being prompted. I think their self-confidence–socially and academically–has changed and improved. MPA really beautifully walks along that fence of making sure that students understand that rigor is an important part of life. But, I think it’s also understood that you have to be able to understand failure to succeed at the end of the day.” This is why Spencer chose MPA for his children.

Like Spencer, our alumni have had transformative experiences at MPA, and they want their children to benefit from the same environment that shaped their own growth–both academically and personally. Alumni returning, and bringing the next generation with them, reflects the lasting impact MPA strives to have on students for a lifetime.

Warmly Welcoming 2025

Upper school students working together writing on the boardThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the January 8 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

The new year has arrived, and MPA’s office of admission is both reflecting on what went well in the past year and dreaming big about what else we can work on as we embark on the next.

Ask around the MPA community, and you’ll hear a recurring theme of our school’s warmth and welcoming, family-oriented atmosphere. We are a close-knit community of students, parents, and educators who believe that everyone thrives when we are inclusive, collaborative, and having fun together. Read More

The Importance Of Play

PreK students dancing togetherWhen parents are just beginning to explore early childhood and kindergarten programs for their children, many questions are at the forefront of their minds. Will their child be safe and nurtured but also challenged? At MPA, the answer would be ‘yes’ to these questions. However, parents also question what institutes the proper amount of academic rigor for five to six-year-olds and ask what this rigor should look like in kindergarten.

Mounds Park Academy, one of the top two private schools in Minnesota and one of the nation’s top STEM schools, serves students PreK through 12th grade and features both a PreK and a kindergarten program that deeply believes that play is, in fact, one of the most important components of a successful early childhood and kindergarten program.

Benefits of Play in Child Development

In Suzanne Bouffard’s book “The Most Important Year,” she discusses best practices for the earliest years of school. She explains that successful early childhood programs follow the research, which states “very clearly that children learn through play and this notion that you have to choose between play and academic learning is a false dichotomy.” She writes, “One study showed that you can give children building blocks and let them build whatever they want. Or you can give children building blocks with a goal–to build a landing pad for a helicopter, for example. In both cases, everybody ends up having fun and learning something, but the kids who had a goal actually used richer vocabulary, especially around spatial skills and building concepts.” Read More

MPA By The Numbers

Upper school student working with Lower School student during hour of code weekThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the December 21 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

An MPA education goes beyond the classroom. There are many ways to count it out–the numerous opportunities students have to explore their passions, the many skills they develop that will last a lifetime, a collection of connections and strong relationships beyond the classroom. Let’s take a deeper dive into the numbers that all add up to an MPA education.

1. 55 Upper School elective offerings, 35+ Upper School clubs and organizations, and 25+ Middle School clubs and activities
There is something for everyone at MPA. Extra-curricular activities are an integral part of Middle and Upper school student life. Students are encouraged to explore and try new things in order to discover their passions and themselves. They develop wider social groups, stronger self-confidence, and leadership skills. Plus, students perform better academically when they’re involved at school.

2. #2 Private School in Minnesota
We are proud and humbled to be ranked the #2 private school in Minnesota on Niche! A combination of our excellent academic program, engaging extracurriculars, variety of offerings for students of all ages, and our supportive community filled with Panther pride all have a part in making up this annual ranking. Read More

Your Opportunity To Experience MPA On A School Day!

Upper School students excited in a chemistry labThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the December 11 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

During your school exploration process, have you happened to ask yourself …

What is a day in the life of an MPA student? What do they learn? Where do they study? How do they feel?

To answer all of the above and more, we invite you to join us for the opportunity to experience life at MPA on a school day. Our PreK-12 Preview this Friday, December 13, from 8:30-10 AM, will give you that inside look at MPA.

This event is the perfect opportunity for your family to see yourselves here. Experience the comfy, cozy library spaces, the Makerspace as bright as your ideas, and the wide-open, welcoming Lansing Center. Your family will be led on a small group tour and experience the delightful moments, in and out of the classroom, that make MPA so special. In addition to exploring our state-of-the-art spaces firsthand, you will also have the opportunity to meet and engage with academic leaders–bring your questions! Read More

Finding The Right Kindergarten

kindergarten students working in the makerspace togetherWhat makes a strong kindergarten program? How do you know what will be a good fit for your child? Should you find a program that focuses on academics, play, or one that promotes both? Is a public elementary school the right choice or a private one with smaller kindergarten class sizes?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Every family needs to base their kindergarten decision on what works best for their individual circumstances and values. Given our experience at Mounds Park Academy, a private PreK-12 school in Saint Paul, Minnesota, we believe that you can determine whether a kindergarten program is strong by asking yourself the following questions.

Is it joyful?

Kindergarten is a magical time in early childhood development. Our teachers, administrators, parents, and students all use the word “joy” when describing kindergarten at MPA. Students should be happy about being at school and excited to come home and share the news of their day. When you visit a kindergarten classroom, a sense of joy should exude from it because children are active, engaged, and having fun. Read More

In Our Community’s Own Words

This message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the November 23 issue of Inside MPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

Being a close-knit community, we often hear from community members about their MPA moments, unique relationships, academic achievements and obstacles, and big dreams.

Two students leaving the CHAMP assembly with an arm around the other“I’m living the dream every day,” remarks kindergarten teacher Katie Roche. “Not only do I have the honor of helping our kindergarteners grow into readers, mathematicians, scientists, and historians, I have the privilege of helping them learn to love school and truly love learning. That is the feeling we want them to have walking in through the front door every day, and to be carried with them even as adults.”

Middle School student Tori feels she is being set up for a successful future and is empowered to follow her dreams. “MPA has a really close, tight-knit community that works really, really well together and does a really good job of listening to student voices. I do a lot of theatre, and my dream for my future is to be really involved in that community. MPA offers great experiences in theatre, in being able to have important conversations, and in putting yourself out there to share yourself with the world.”

MPA alum Kevin McQuade ’07 continues to appreciate how MPA’s nurturing environment showed him “that education extends far beyond textbooks and test scores.” Read More

Helping Your Child Thrive: A Guide To Homework

Lower School student working at their deskOne of the most frequent questions asked of our admission staff when families are first exploring our school is, “Tell me about homework” or “How much homework do students have at Mounds Park Academy?” MPA’s philosophy is that homework should always affirm and confirm what students have learned in the classroom. In other words, homework assignments should be about practice. When homework is designed this way, it leads to students taking responsibility for their assignments because they understand how to approach it. Our end goal is that students will find motivation within themselves to succeed. We also work to teach our students balance. We want them to be able to focus on their academic achievements, but also be in the musical, or play soccer, or participate in debate. It is important that students can handle the responsibility of homework without them drowning in it. Rigor at MPA is not the amount of homework you have or the number of hours you spend studying. Rigor at MPA is a deep and meaningful inquiry.

Very often that means a parent’s role is not working through the material with the student but encouraging the student’s independence and responsibility. But as parent you may ask, “How do I do that? What is my role?” We have some ideas on how you can support your student with their homework. Read More