August 27, 2024
As the new year approaches the Alumni Association welcomes new members. Join us in welcoming the new alumni board members!
Kevin McQuade ’07
For what grades did you attend MPA?
Why did you choose to pursue a position on the Alumni Association Board?
Bringing a diverse perspective helps position MPA students, faculty, staff, and alumni alike to succeed. I jumped at the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing conversation of how to engage alumni to support MPA’s holistic mission.
In what ways do you see yourself as a supporter of MPA and its mission?
Two aspects of MPA’s mission and vision resonated with me as a student and continue to do so as an adult. First, the concept of “do right” should be top of mind as people go through their day-to-day…not just as students, but as adults. It serves as an important reminder to focus beyond oneself and do the right thing at every turn. Second, an early focus on the integration of technology and experiential learning positions students to be valued, innovative, and sociable contributors to our culture. I am also excited about the recently announced Center for Inclusive Teaching & Learning, as inclusive principles and understanding were key to my growth and education at a young age.
What are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally?
I live in Washington, D.C. with my wife Erica and our 2-year old daughter, Rory! My focus is on strategic planning and innovation for the U.S. Government, mostly in the defense, intelligence, and security portfolios. I have spent over a decade leading efforts to improve Federal transportation security, cybersecurity operations, and procurement. Read More