Justin Choi in front of skyscrapersJustin Choi ’23 and his family relocated to MPA from Hong Kong. He began at MPA in ninth grade in the fall of 2019.

What do you love about MPA?
I love the support I have received from absolutely everyone here.

How are you encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
I have a choice and a voice in what I do. There’s a large variety of electives, sports and clubs and I have chosen to get involved in a lot.

Why do you believe your teachers teach the way they do?
Teachers teach in this way because they want me to succeed. They are helping me to find something that I truly love doing.

If you have attended another school, how has your experience here been different?
It’s been different at MPA because teachers have really gotten to know me at MPA and they help me out when I need it.

What would you tell another student your age considering MPA?
If you are considering MPA, you should know that it’s a really amazing school with lots of friendly people. Everyone is accepting here and there’s a nice community environment.

In what ways has MPA prepared you for life beyond school?
MPA has prepared me for life beyond school but showing me how to both support my peers and help others, and try out new ways of thinking.

What’s your big dream?
I don’t really know what my dream is yet, but I know I’m going to find it.

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