Thank You!
A huge thank you to Kirstin Sweet Kennedy, Jessie Flynn, Amy Dahiya, Seema Anwar, Molly Oliver and Christine Larson for helping Tara Lafferty and the Parents Association in the Teaching Kitchen on Tuesday. The PA celebrated National Teacher Appreciation Day with fresh fruit cups topped with whipped cream, drinks, and 18 varieties of fudge from Trio Fudge for all staff to try. Everyone rocked out to a music playlist based on the theme: Teachers Drive the Future. All had a great time!

Neurodiversity Parent Affinity Group meeting
May 17, 3-4:30 PM at MPA in the PCR
All parents and caregivers of neurodiverse MPA students are invited. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging by providing a space to connect through shared experience and shared identity. Contact Stephanie Sommer with questions at

Get involved with the Parents Association through Informational Sessions

  • May 11, 8 AM, Starbucks, 2146 White Bear Ave, Maplewood
  • May 11, 2 PM, MPA Library, table near the front window
  • May 15, 8 AM, Starbucks, 2146 White Bear Ave, Maplewood
  • May 15, 2-4:30 PM, MPA Library, table near the front window

The Parents Association seeks new board members, grade reps, and volunteers for the 2023-24 school year. Each year PA volunteers organize events for MPA, including the Book Festival, Cultural Diversity Day, Lower School Holiday Parties, and Middle School Snow-Tubing. If you’re interested in learning more about opportunities within the PA, we would love to connect with you. Getting involved with the PA is a great way to meet people and enrich your family’s experience with the MPA community.

Can’t make those times? Please email Staci Banks,, or Christine Larson,, for more information.

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