Georgia Magers '23What do you love about MPA?
I love how MPA provides the space for kids of all backgrounds to communicate and learn together. We all have an equal chance to speak our minds while diversifying our own knowledge and perception of the world.

How are you encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
I am encouraged to dream big and do right through the supportive resources MPA has to offer. From an emphasis on mental health, to being greeted at the door each morning by staff, or being encouraged to ask questions in class each day.

What’s your big dream?
My big dream is to find a fulfilling life path that challenges me every day.

Why do you believe your teachers teach the way they do?
I believe my teachers teach the way they do to prepare me for life outside of MPA and help me find my passions inside and outside of school.

In what ways has MPA prepared you for life beyond school?
MPA has exposed me to more ideas, concepts, and people than I could have ever reached on my own.

If you have attended another school, how has your experience here been different?
The school I attended prior to MPA taught for test scores and to uphold a prestigious image. Eventually, I wanted more. I found that at MPA. Here, education is more of an individual experience. As students, we all learn, process, and approach challenges in different ways. MPA puts an emphasis on individual students which is partially why I believe so many students truly love learning at MPA.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MPA experience?
MPA is big on hugs and high-fives. Every morning Mr. Segal, Mr. Dean, and Mr. Haase hold the doors open for students (even if it’s -20°). Aside from a warm smile, I get a high-five. I am an assistant coach for the Middle and Lower school swim team. Whenever I walk through Lower School lunch, I am often bombarded with hugs from young swimmers.

What would you tell another student your age considering MPA?
Just go for it. My one regret regarding MPA was not transferring earlier. MPA will open your eyes to how enjoyable school can be.

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