Thank You, Lower School Parent Volunteers
The PA wishes to thank Cathi Murray and Megan Brogger for leading the planning and coordination of the Lower School Halloween Festivities!  If you would like to learn how to get involved, you can email to learn about upcoming opportunities.

Thank You to Our Community Coffee Hosts
Thank you to our gracious coffee hosts for the Neighborhood/Community Coffees this past weekend: Staci Banks-Herberger, Christine Larson, Seema Anwar, Erika Beernink, and Michaela Jahnke. Stay tuned for more coffees in different neighborhoods in 2024!

Thank You
Last Friday, the Parents Association thanked the College Counseling Office and Upper School Faculty for all of their hard work on letters of recommendation for our seniors applying to college.

MPA Book Club with Dr. Hudson
Tuesday, November 7, 6 PM in the MPA Library
Please join Dr. Hudson and fellow MPA parents for a great discussion of David Grann’s bestseller, “Killers of the Flower Moon”. This non-fiction page-turner that reads like a novel.

“In the 1920’s, the newly created FBI took up an investigation into a string of unexplained deaths in Osage County, OK. Young FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover, turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White to try to unravel the mystery. White put together an undercover team, including a Native American agent who infiltrated the region, and together with the Osage began to expose one of the most chilling conspiracies in American history.” Sign up for the book club here.

The LGBTQ+ Parent Affinity Group
Convener, US/MS/LS parent Melissa Andretta, invites all parents/caregivers who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ or who have children who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ to participate in the inaugural meeting of the 2023-2024 school year.

The purpose of this affinity group is to build community and friendship. Our first meeting will be a time to come together and outline any additional goals we have as a group. The first meeting will be convened at MPA. In order to accommodate as many people as possible, we ask that you email Melissa at to indicate your interest by November 15. Please include if you are interested in a virtual option, and if you need transportation and/or childcare for these meetings. On November 16, Melissa will send out a survey to determine the date and time of the first meeting.

Two New Volunteer Opportunities for MPA Parents
The Parents Association is actively seeking new members for two committees:

  1. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee
  2. Panther Committee

If you are interested in topics of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at MPA this is a perfect opportunity to share your passion. The DEIB Committee will determine topics of interest and work closely with Lamar Shingles, Director of Equity and Belonging to make an impact at MPA.  Last year this committee formed two Parent Affinity Groups; Neurodiversity Affinity Group and the LGBTQ+ Affinity Group.

The Panther Committee is hoping for your input if you are passionate about Athletics at MPA. If you have a sporty LS student and see MPA athletics in your future this is a great place to join the team! If you have a MS student who plays club sports and you’re not sure how that translates to MPA sports, this is the spot for you.  If you have an US athlete who is hoping to play their sport in college, we may be able to connect you with like-minded families.  The Panther Committee will determine topics of interest and work closely with Dan Haase, Athletic Director to support MPA athletics.

Both committees will meet quarterly based on members’ schedules determined by Doodle Poll. Parents/caregivers of current MPA students are eligible for both committees.

How do you join a committee?  Simply, email the PA at with your name, student’s name/grade and the reason why you want to join either/both committees.  We will kick off committee activities in early November.

If you want to join but have more questions, please reach out to Christine Larson, PA Co-President at or call/text at 612-251-1156.

The Community Grants Initiative
The Parents Association Community Grants Initiative provides grant-based funding for projects and programs, existing or new. The funds are available for use by student clubs and organizations, as well as for adult-led initiatives that support the mission of the MPA PA. To access community grants, interested groups must fill out an application.The application will be reviewed by the PA Board. This program is supported by the Parents Association dues, which are paid by MPA families. Instructions and the form can be found here on the Parents Association section of the MPA website.

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