MPA students working together in a small groupThis message is from MPA’s Office of Admission from the January 27, 2024 issue of InsideMPA. Click here to get in touch with Admission and learn more!

Being a student at MPA is a lot of things.

It’s being part of “A generally really diverse, inclusive environment. I fit in like on day one.”

It’s also a place where you will find “Words of encouragement, even when I didn’t really think I needed it,” and opportunities that make you think, “This experience has just made me a much more confident speaker and critical person.”

And even in addition to all of that, it’s “This safe, nurturing, supportive place where I could really explore and learn so many new things.”

What makes MPA exceptional is best explained by those who are living the experience every day. It is the students and teachers, the parents and the coaches who make MPA amazing—who are as a community is the foundation to a school where students are empowered to learn and grow, challenge themselves academically and joyfully, and discover who they are meant to be.

Days at MPA are filled with wonder, exploration, and joy that comes with hands-on learning. In a profoundly inclusive, diverse, and supportive community, students look forward to coming to school. With a focus on collaboration over competition, they embrace differences while learning and thriving in a PreK-12 community. To hear more of these enlightening stories from our community, explore the collection here!

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