Original publish date: March 8, 2024

Dear Mounds Park Academy Community,

The search committee is happy to report that the search for our next head of school is well underway. Our motto, “Dream Big. Do Right.” sends a strong message to the world about our priorities. Through the decades of its existence, MPA has come to be known as a school that values the whole child, has strong academics, and is a welcoming and inclusive community. Our next head of school will be joining a school that is well-positioned for the future.

As many of you are aware, our search consultants, Jennifer Wong Christensen and Bob Vitalo from Carney Sandoe & Associates, were on campus on February 22 and 23. During that time, they met in person or virtually with more than 70 community members, including faculty, staff, students, current and former parents, alumni, and trustees. Each participant was asked to explore the same three question threads:

  • What makes Mounds Park Academy special and distinct? What do you value? What should never change?
  • What is the work ahead for the next head of school? What is on the “to-do” list for the next two, four, and six years?
  • What are the personal qualities, skills, and experiences you want to see in the next head of school that will make that person successful at MPA?

The visit concluded with an orientation for the search committee and a workshop for the board of trustees in which Jennifer and Bob heard from each participant their thoughts on the three sets of questions that had been posed to the community.

Thank you to everyone who filled out the community survey. There were more than 100 responses. Your confidential feedback was thoughtful, inspiring, and reflective of the diverse perspectives that characterize the MPA community. The aggregated results of the survey, combined with the interviews, confirm several prevailing themes that will factor heavily into our search process:

  1. When asked what they value most about Mounds Park Academy, there is general agreement that all members appreciate the small classes and the close and caring relationships that exist between teachers and students. There is also very high regard for the exceptional faculty and the focus that is given to growing critical thinking skills and creativity.
  2. In all the meetings that were held, the recruitment and retention of high-quality faculty were seen as the most important priorities for the next head of school. There was also much discussion about maintaining academic excellence, having a vision for the school’s future curriculum needs, and connecting the PreK-12 experience.
  3. The school community will be looking for its next head of school to come with experience in an independent school and with a proven track record of nurturing and supporting the growth of excellent teachers and of being a responsible financial steward who is able to ensure the support and growth of MPA’s dynamic program and talented professional community.
  4. MPA wants its next leader to be visible, accessible, approachable, honest, and trustworthy. The community highly values leadership skills such as decisiveness and being a clear communicator in writing and in person.

The feedback we received from the survey and meetings has guided the creation of the head of school position description. This document serves as a primary tool in the recruitment process, offering potential candidates a glimpse into our school community and culture.

Our consultants have already begun engaging with prospective candidates, and more formal, confidential interviews with the search committee will begin later this spring. The community’s next engagement opportunity is tentatively scheduled for May, when finalists will be on campus for two-day interviews.

We feel confident that as we search for MPA’s next head of school, the varied voices within our greater community are being heard and that our consultants understand our core values. We will continue to update you as the process unfolds.

Betsy Van Hecke
MPA Parent of Alumni
Chair, Search Committee

If you have any questions, please email headsearch@moundsparkacademy.org.

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