April 4, 2024
from Jennifer Le Varge, Lower School director
Mark Your Calendars
- Thursday, April 4: LS Art Show Opening, 6-7 PM, Gallery, US Commons, Rossbach Art Walk, Family Commons
- Thursday, April 4: LS Music Program 7-8 PM, Nicholson Center
- Monday, April 9: US/LS Solar Eclipse Party, 8-10:30 AM, Family Commons
- Tuesday, April 9: HeadSpace “Mental Health Crisis,” 3-15-4:15 PM, Martin Lenz Harrison Library
- Wednesday, April 10: No Classes, Eid al-Fitr, PreK Panther Care > Panther Care >
- Thursday, April 11: PA Cultural Celebration Day, 3-6 PM, Family Commons
- Wednesday, April 17: LS CHAMP Assembly, 8:15-9 AM, Family Commons
- Wednesday, April 17: LS Duty Free Lunch, 12:15-12:45 PM, Family Commons
- Thursday, April 18: Spring Book Club With Dr. Hudson, 6-7:30 PM, Martin Lenz Harrison Library
- Friday, April 19: Pairing Assembly, 2:20-3 PM
- Friday, April 19: Spring Auction, 6:30-11 PM, Dellwood Golf Club
- Wednesday, April 24: Spring Musical Preview Performance, 1:35-3 PM, Nicholson Center
- Thursday, April 25: LS/US Haiti Cultural Celebration, 1-3 PM, Family Commons, Gallery
- Friday, April 26: Spring Musical Performance, 7-9 PM, Nicholson Center
- Saturday, April 27: Spring Musical Performance, 7-9 PM, Nicholson Center
- Sunday, April 28: Spring Musical Performance, 2-4 PM, Nicholson Center
- Tuesday, April 30: LS Parent Quarterly Coffee, 8-9 AM, Martin Lenz Harrison Library
- Friday, May 3: New Family Panther Party, 4-5:30 PM, MPA Campus
I hope all our families enjoyed a restful and fun spring break! The children have enjoyed getting back into their learning routines and gearing up for the end-of-year festivities.
At our CHAMP Assembly on March 27, we focused on the CHAMP attribute of accountability. Our song about being accountable was set to the awesome Rolling Stones song, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” During the month of March, the Lower School students also enjoyed reading passages about important women in our world during our lunchtime announcements. We learned so much about Amelia Earhart, Oprah Winfrey, and more! Our next CHAMP Assembly is April 17, and we will be learning about being friendly. Please send your child to school on April 17 wearing their CHAMP colors!
Reminder: Lower School Art and Music Show on Thursday, April 4
On Thursday, April 4, the kindergarten through grade four students will be showcasing their artistic and musical talents during the Art and Music Show from 6-8 PM. Please join us in the Rossbach Art Walk, Gallery, and the Nicholson Center to enjoy all the talent that our students have to offer.
Reminder: LS Visiting Author: Yangsook Choi on April 15
Soon, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Yangsook Choi, author of the beloved children’s book “The Name Jar,” as our visiting author. Yangsook is from Seoul, Korea, and she is an incredible writer and illustrator. She will lead writing and illustration workshops for our PreK through grade four students while she is visiting. Please remember to order your copy of “The Name Jar” to be signed by the author by Friday, April 5.
Neighborhood House Food Drive, Led by Fourth Grade
The fourth-grade students are finishing up the book “Home of the Brave” by Katherine Applegate. This story, about a young refugee boy who relocates to Minnesota, is the catalyst that inspired this food drive to collect items for Neighborhood House in St. Paul. Lower School students and their families are asked to donate items between March 28 and April 8. A flyer from Neighborhood House with a wish list of suggested items has been shared on Schoology. This is not an exhaustive list, and personal care items, as well as other foods, are also welcome. Please keep MPA’s food allergy policy in mind when purchasing items. More information about Neighborhood House can be found here. Last year MPA sent over 2,000 pounds of food to Neighborhood House. Let’s see what we can do together this year!
2024 MPA Spring Auction on April 19
We hope to see you at the 2024 MPA Spring Auction: Together, We Can Move Mountains program on Friday, April 19 at Dellwood Country Club. This is your chance to attend a night of fun, inspiration, and community building while supporting MPA with fellow parents, alumni, and friends.