from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Spring is a season of renewal, a time when both nature and our school community come alive with energy and activity. At MPA, spring is particularly vibrant, filled with concerts, performances, games, meetings, celebrations, and cherished traditions like the Moving Up Ceremony, the Senior Walk, and the First Grade Poetry Picnic.

As we embark on this busy season, I want to ensure that all parents and guardians are fully informed and engaged. You can expect to receive invitations to a variety of special events and gatherings in the coming weeks. I encourage you to stay connected by regularly reading Panther Post and the division news linked from it and keeping an eye on your email for important updates and announcements. We are committed to communicating with you in a timely and effective manner and we hope that’s helpful—especially during seasons like this.

While I understand that everyone leads busy lives, we believe that parent engagement is vital to the success of our school community. Your participation in events and activities enriches the educational experience for your child and strengthens our overall community. I value your input and involvement and want to make it as easy as possible for you to participate in the ways that work best for you.

Here are a few upcoming events where I hope to see you …

Connect With MPA’s Incoming Middle School Director
I am excited to welcome Paul Errickson, our incoming Middle School director, to MPA May 2-3. Paul will be meeting with teachers, students, and administrators during his visit. Parents are invited to join Paul for coffee on Friday, May 3 at 8:15 AM in the Library. He will also be in attendance at the transition meetings, dinner, and concert the evening of May 2. 

Meet Members Of MPA’s Chinese Partner School
In my head’s message last week, I was thrilled to announce a partnership with Vanke Meisha Academy in Shenzhen, China. Members of the VMA school leadership will be visiting MPA the week of April 29-May 3. Parents are invited to meet them at the Lower School Parent Quarterly Coffee on Tuesday, April 30, and the Upper School Parent Quarterly Coffee on Friday, May 3, both at 8 AM in the Library.

New Family Panther Party
We are overjoyed to be welcoming many incredible new students to MPA next year! On Friday, May 3, at 4 PM, we will host them on campus for the annual Panther Party. The vibes on campus for this event are fantastic, and many volunteers are needed to make that possible. You can sign up here, and I’ll see you there!

At MPA, we view our partnership with parents as integral to the success of our school. Your involvement contributes to a vibrant learning environment, enhances decision-making processes, and provides invaluable support for our students both at home and at school. I look forward to continuing this partnership and strengthening our community together.

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