Izzy GeorgeAs the 2019–20 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of the Class of 2020!

In what grade did you come to MPA?

I came to MPA in 9th grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?

I thought I didn’t really know what I wanted in a college, and that’s why I decided the day before the deadline. But when I chose Grinnell, I knew it was the right choice. I chose Grinnell College because I knew I wanted a small school. MPA has a really small community that I love, and I knew I wanted to have a similar experience in college. Grinnell is also far enough away to really feel like I’m leaving, but it is still fairly close to home.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?

I’m excited to begin this new part of my life, learn new things, and meet new people. I’m also excited to follow my passions and see where they take me, and I’m especially excited to be more independent.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?

Ms. Pederson! And all of the faculty too. They were all so generous in setting aside time to meet with us whenever we needed too. I made my college decision the day before the deadline, and Ms. Pederson was sending me emails and offering to meet with me any time to help me that day. Ms. Pederson is truly the sweetest and most selfless person there is.

What about your MPA experience has best prepared you for college?

I don’t know if there is one specific thing about the MPA experience. MPA has been preparing me for college ever since my first day. All of the essays, debates, speeches, and tests I had pushed me to be at my best academically. All of my teachers have been so incredibly helpful as well, giving lots of feedback and pushing me past my comfort zone.

What is your advice for MPA’s Class of 2032 (kindergartners)?

My advice for the Class of 2032 is to do what you love and to be yourself. MPA will give you so many opportunities, and you should try and take advantage of as many as you can because everything MPA has to offer is so amazing. And most importantly, have fun!

The 53 members of the Class of 2020 plan to attend 41 different colleges and universities in 18 states, Washington D.C., Canada, and Australia. See their destinations here. Learn more about MPA’s College Counseling Program here!

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