Graham Li As the 2019–20 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of the Class of 2020!

In what grade did you come to MPA?

I came to MPA in 10th Grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?

I chose Purdue University based off its excellent options for majors and areas of study.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?

I am excited about taking some challenging courses and learning new things.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?

I most appreciate the very helpful supports and the senior seminar class. Also, I especially appreciate Mrs. Pederson and the help she was always willing to give.

What about your MPA experience has best prepared you for college?

The challenging classes at MPA prepared me really well, and made me ready to deal with college classes.

What is your advice for MPA’s Class of 2032 (kindergartners)?

Dream big, do right.

The 53 members of the Class of 2020 plan to attend 41 different colleges and universities in 18 states, Washington D.C., Canada, and Australia. See their destinations here. Learn more about MPA’s College Counseling Program here!

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